Mark Tremonti has been the most prolific and creative song writer of the past 25 years. As lead guitarist and backup vocalist for Creed and Alter Bridge, he has delivered a combined 10 albums full of pure rock and roll magic. For his solo project, Tremonti, he also takes on lead vocal duties. The fifth Tremonti album, “Marching In Time”, released in 2021, showcases a maturing sound for the band, and a dramatic expansion of his vocal abilities and melodic phrasing. Unbeknownst to everyone in the rock world, Mr. Tremonti was working hard on a secret passion project, diligently studying the unique delivery of one Frank Sinatra. While “Marching In Time” benefitted greatly from this intense training, the true magic was being created behind the scenes.

Accompanied by surviving members of Sinatra’s band as well as various top-notch players, Tremonti cut 14 classics for “Tremonti Sings Sinatra”, which he gifted to the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) as part of his new organization Take A Chance For Charity. 100% of the album’s proceeds will go to NDSS to help people with developmental disabilities.

Inspired by his own daughter Stella, Mark Tremonti has combined his passion for Frank Sinatra with the charitable spirit of Ol’ Blue Eyes himself, in an effort to help others living with Down Syndrome.

“For years, Iʼve loved singing along to Frankʼs songs,” Mark explains. “One night, I found an old video of him performing ʻThe Song Is Youʼ from 1944. It made me want to dive into his vocal approach. I was all in and I wanted to do something with it. When we found out about our daughter Stellaʼs Down syndrome diagnosis, the stars aligned. My obsession with Sinatra had its reason. Frank Sinatra raised more than a billion dollars for charity and that is a fact I wish the public knew more about. Beneath his cool and calm persona, he had a big heart. Doing this charity in his name was another way the stars had aligned. I decided to do this record to raise funds for families and individuals with Down syndrome. This project is the start of a new purpose that I will have for the rest of my life.”
“Tremonti Sings Sinatra” serves as the inaugural project for his new Take A Chance For Charity movement. It encourages and empowers artists, actors, athletes, and entertainers of all stripes to step into unexpected territory with a creative initiative for charity. Whether it be a football player singing country, an actor salsa dancing, or a guitar player singing Sinatra, it’s all for a great cause.
“So many talented people have other skills that their fans or followers would never expect,” he leaves off. “This is the chance to do something you’re passionate about for charity. It’s a greenlight to do whatever you want to do. It’s a win-win all around. I want people to talk about this enough to get other artists to participate,” he leaves off. “Someday, I hope I’m a little old man who raised 100 million dollars for charity. My daughter has already made everyone around her a better person. To do this for her means the world to me.”
For all details on how to support the charity, purchase unique items, and learn about the sold out charity event and performance, visit https://tremontisingssinatra.com/ .